A-RIX’s story begains in 2010 . At first, we are eyelash middleman buying eyelash extension from other factory. But we had enough of always encourtering bad quality and can’t be solved. Finally, we decide to open our own eyelash extension factory.
It proves that it is harder to control bulk order’s quality than small orders.In the past ten years, we have encountered and solved a lot of problems(such as how to make curl keep loner,how to maintain the density and make the lash easy to pick etc). However,accidents still happen occasionally because we can’t control the raw material. Finally,we decided to develop our raw material joint venture to control the quality from the source. After long-time experience,we are very confident of our quality now.
At the same time,we are well aware that new products are the foundation of sustainable development.We have developed 3S lashes, speed lash tool and so on in the past several years.
In the future, we also hope to discuss more possibilities with our customers.